A Guide to Wavesailing in NSW
NSW Wavesailing Association members have taken some time off the water
to bring you this summary of the wavesailing delights in NSW.
Being right on the coast, Sydney is one of those very rare cities in
the world, where some classic wavesailing sits literally on our doorstep.
We will regularly see city slickers arriving in the beach car park changing
from their office suits and into their board shorts, rushing to get
a good wavesailing session in after work in Spring, through Summer and
into Autumn.
Water temps range from 24C in late summer down to 18C in the depths
of winter and average midday air temperature range from 28C in summer
to 18C in winter. Many of us sail with just board shorts and a rashie
in summer and a 3mm, short or long armed, long legged steamer in winter.
Plus, thanks to the Sydney Harbour, Botany Bay and Narrabeen Lake, we
have the luxury of being able to windsurf in any wind direction.
The prevailing Sydney wind is SE, but summer (Nov to Feb) brings consistent
NNE sea breezes of 15knots plus. As a heavyweight (93kg), my most used
sail size is 5.8m and the majority of sub 80kg guy’s use 5.3’s. In terms
of wind strengths, it is worth clarifying what we get, as from experience,
International visitors can have a varied definition of what “windy”
is! Sydneysiders reckon it is windy when they are on 4.7 or 4.2’s. The
heavier sailors may use their 4.7’s eight times a year as a weekend
Wavesailing in Sydney is pretty much split between “North shore” and
“Southsiders”, i.e. those who live North of Sydney Harbour Bridge and
those who live south.
To view the full guide including the tops spots around NSW, check out
the full
Wavesailing Guide.
Plus, if you would like to subscribe to the NSWWA email Newsletters
or event updates, then please email
jason.juretic@gmail.com to be added to the distribution list.
Free pre-loved windsurfing gear
for Juniors
OK, we know this sounds too fantastic for words, but it’s true. Read
Why is the NSWWA doing this?
Quite simply, this initiative is about helping more youngsters get in
the waves to enjoy our awesome sport. The idea was hatched thanks to
a father of one of our juniors – Pat Johnson, who quite simply said
"More kids would get into Wavesailing and compete if they could afford
the gear". Knowing that we NSWWA members have all kinds of old and broken
gear lying around the house/shed, there lay the solution!
How do I qualify for this gear?
You will have to meet the requirements below:
1. Be Under 18 at date of request.
2. Have a pulse
3. Have the desire to wavesail!
4. You must commit to entering at least 2
NSWWA wavesailing competitions each year
(entry is free for Juniors by the way – you
only have to pay $40 insurance).
5. You must commit to not on-selling the gear.
6. If you decide to give up the opportunity to
enjoy the best sport in the world, then you
have to contact Jason Juretic to return the
7. You can upgrade your gear if you see more
up to date kit come up for grabs on the web.
What do I have to do to get the gear listed below?
The steps are:
1. Identify the gear you need.
2. Place your “order” by email to the
co-ordinator, Jason Juretic on
3. Jason will in turn provide the Junior with the
contact details of the “NSWWA donator”
offering the gear.
4. The Junior and “NSWWA donator” arrange
handover at the next competition or at
another convenient time.
5. Plus, learn on flat water first, then get out in
the waves AND only go out windsurfing with
other people!
6. Get out there and have a stack of fun!
To view the list of kit available, go to the NSW Wavesailing website
Free Gear for Juniors Concept.
Plus, if you would like to subscribe to the NSWWA email Newsletters
or event updates, then please email
jason.juretic@gmail.com to be added to the distribution list.
See you on the water.