Australian Windsurfing

Sail Number Rules


New International rules for windsurfing racing classes came into effect on 1/1/2009. In particular, the sail number placement rules were changed - numbers will be placed back to back on an opaque white background.
Click for full details (270kb PDF).

A summary of the new rules
  - Black letters on white opaque background
- the sail numbers will be applied back to back
- National letters and sail numbers shall be in capital letters and Arabic numerals.  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
- Only typefaces giving the same or better legibility than Helvetica and Arial are acceptable.
- Between the national letters and sail number a ”-“ and normal spacing shall be applied
- The white opaque background shall extend minimum 30 mm around the letters and numbers Dimensions - minimum height of letters and numbers: 230 mm
- minimum distance between letters and numbers: 45 mm
- Width of numbers and letters (except “1” or “I”): 150 mm
- Width for M and W: 160 mm
- Thickness letters and numbers: 30 mm


2005-2008 Windsurfing Racing Rules (424kb PDF)

below is a brief outline of the current sail number placement rules

The RACING RULES of SAILING for 2005–2008
International Sailing Federation

Appendix G Identification on Sails

G1.2 Specifications
(a) National letters and sail numbers shall be in capital letters and Arabic numerals, clearly legible and of the same colour. Commercially available typefaces giving the same or better legibility than Helvetica are acceptable.
(b) The height of characters and space between adjoining characters on the same and opposite sides of the sail shall be as follows:

Minimum Height (230 mm)
Minimum space between letters and numerals or edge of sail (45 mm)

G1.3 Positioning
Class insignia, national letters and sail numbers shall be positioned as follows:
(a) B2.4 The class insignia shall be displayed once on each side of the  sail in the area above a line projected at right angles from a point on the luff of the sail one-third of the distance from the head to the wishbone. The national letters and sail numbers shall be in the central third of that part of the sail above the wishbone, clearly separated from any advertising, and placed at different heights on the two sides of the sail, those on the starboard side being uppermost.